Join Hexagon Geospatial U

To gain access to Hexagon Geospatial U, you must be a registered academic user. If you aren't already registered, please Register for the Hexagon Geospatial Community.  After you have registered and created a UN/PW, you can request permission to the Hexagon Geospatial U Community by filling out the online form.

Go to this webpage:

Click Join Now as shown below

You will then need to complete the form. Note, you must provide an email address from your academic institution - no other email will be accepted. Your institution must also be current subscribers to a CHEST Hexagon product.

Next, wait for a confirmation email to let you know you have been granted permission. Then you will be able to access and download step by step tutorials, PPT’s, examples and exampled data to walk you through functionality and processes of all Hexagon Geospatial U programs.