[Last updated 23/04/2023]

This is a brief version of the install guide for ERDAS IMAGINE 2022. If you would like the full guide it is available here:

For silent install follow the instructions available here

System Requirements

Please refer to the system requirements here.

Download links

You can download all the software you are entitled to from the Download Software link in the Licensing Portal.


  1. Download and install the license manager. Once installed, you will need to apply your activation code before running ERDAS IMAGINE. Details of how to do that can be found here.
  2. Unzip the IMAGINE zip file you just downloaded into a temporary directory. You may avoid problems by not using Dropbox/OneDrive/some other online storage that uses synchronisation. C:\temp would be a good directory.
  3. Run the Setup.exe file. Be sure to run it with administrator privileges.
  4. Navigate through the install Wizard. You can safely click yes / accept to all options.
  5. After installing you will be asked whether you want to associate file formats. This will set IMAGINE as your default program for those file formats. We would suggest ticking the first two check boxes. For the third box select only the formats you wish to open automatically in IMAGINE.  Then click apply and close.

Installing IMAGINE in Silent Mode

Instructions for installing in silent mode can be found here:


Details of virtualizing the software can be found here:

IMPORTANT! License IMAGINE before running the software!

Trying to run IMAGINE before licensing the software often causes confusion. Details of how to license the software and apply your activation code can be found here:

Not got a Licence Yet? 

Generate yourself a licence using the portal if you have access or ask your license administrator for an activation id. Here is a guide to the new portal and how to licence your machine.

ER Mapper

ER Mapper is now a separate download available with ERDAS IMAGINE Professional as a download from the licensing portal.

But really, you should be using IMAGINE :-)